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Ben Franklin PRIDE

Ben Franklin Pride

Meeting the social-emotional needs of all children is also a priority. To support this endeavor, we use the acronym PRIDE: Purpose, Respect, Integrity, Determination, and Empathy.  Through regular lessons, conversations, and learning opportunities, our staff instills these characteristics in each child.  We “pride” ourselves on the fact that the adults on campus model these behaviors each day and support every student in developing them as well.  These characteristics aid in creating an environment of social growth, safe learning, and virtuous citizens.  We utilize the PBIS rewards system to recognize student's positive behavior as well as a for data tracking to improve our systems. Students earn points for showing the PRIDE skills around campus and can spend points in the PBIS Rewards store.  Sample items in the store include homework passes, popsicle, a special seat in class, a game with the office staff, and even Pizza with the Principal.  Ask your child what they'd like to earn!

Lighting PRIDE Poster

Lightning PRIDE

Purpose: Know what you’re supposed to do and do it.

Respect: Treat yourself, others, and property nicely, no matter what.

Integrity: Do the right thing even when no one is looking.

Determination: Always do your best.

Empathy: Understand the feelings of others.


1. Purpose will be shown by:

  •           -Attending school daily and on time

  •          -Completing assigned classwork and homework

  •          -Meeting behavior expectations inside and outside the classroom

  •          -Utilizing materials, supplies and items as they relate to assigned schoolwork

2. Respect must be shown toward students, adults and property at all times. Directions given by school personnel must be followed the first time.  School property is to be used appropriately and safely. Hats are not recommended and need to be removed while indoors (polite etiquette).

3. Integrity will be shown by doing the right thing, even when no one is looking.  This includes being honest in your words and actions, taking responsibility for the choices one makes, and following all rules and laws at all times.

4. Determination will be shown through completion of all classwork and homework, asking for help when needed, and always giving your best effort.

5. Empathy will be shown by considering the feelings of others in all interactions, including conversations, body language, and with social media.


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