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GATE - Gifted and talented education

The Ben Franklin School GATE Program is for students who are gifted learners. Ben Franklin School attempts to cluster students enrolled in the GATE Program into two classes per grade level in grades 3 - 6.

The following are some differences between a Bright Child and a Gifted Learner. Remember that gifted children are as different in their individual characteristics as other children. The list below does not describe all the traits and attitudes of gifted learners but is provided as a guideline.


Knows the answers
Is interested
Is attentive
Has good ideas
Works hard
Answers the questions
Top group
Listens with interest
Learns with ease
6-8 repetitions from mastery
Understands ideas
Enjoys peers
Grasps the meaning
Completes assignments
Is receptive
Copies accurately
Enjoys school
Absorbs information
Good memorizer
Enjoys straightforward, sequential presentation
Is alert
Is pleased with learning


Asks the questions
Is highly curious
Is mentally and physically involved
Has wild, silly ideas
Plays around, yet tests well
Discusses in detail, elaborates
Beyond the top group
Shows strong feelings or opinions based on evidence
Already knows
1-2 repetitions for mastery
Constructs abstractions
Prefers adults
Draws inferences
Initiates projects
Is intense
Creates a new design
Enjoys learning
Manipulates information
Good guesser
Thrives on complexity
Is keenly observant
Is highly self-critical

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